
Hello cabin cleaner.

As a professional cabin cleaner, preserving the cabin and keeping the cabin fresh and clean, is your daily challenge! SHOU is here to help you do this and make your work easier! You will notice it’s ultra effectiveness right away. That will bring satisfaction to your hard work.

Watch the video above for instructions on how to perform the SHOU cabin cleaning procedures and how to use the products, machines and tools. Click on the instructions card to download it. You can also find a printed version of the instructions card in your SHOU hangar cart.

If you still have any questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact us!

, Cleaning Crew Training, SHOU Solution

Cleaning crew training.

We love to teach cabin cleaning crews how to work with SHOU and share our knowledge and expertise with them. We also love to learn from them in return! A SHOU Solution cabin cleaning crew training is about just that!

The SHOU cleaning procedures, products, tools and machines are designed to make the life of a cabin cleaner easier and more efficient. They will experience that it works like no other system they have worked with before. We can ensure more safety by providing a HEPA filter with our SHOU vacuum cleaners. This makes sure the smalles dust particles, which viruses can attach to, won’t be blown back in the cabin space.

Further we learn much from working with the cleaning crews onsite. We thankfully welcome their feedback and questions, constantly improving our products and procedures with this valuable input. Last but not least. We make sure we have some fun!

Join the worldwide club of SHOU cabin cleaning professionals!

Every trainee receives the exclusive SHOU poloshirt!